" 1/366 = 0.002732 Interesting?
1/27.32 = 0.0366 More interesting?
If you are seeing nothing, don’t let the numbers block your view. Remove all the decimal points and zeros, because they are simply scalar indicators, and notice that 2732 and 366 are reciprocal opposites.
Earth and Moon are ‘locked’ in a numerical reciprocal relationship!"
There is a lot of dishonesty in your equations. In your example that I've quoted above you have gone to two decimal places regarding the moons orbit but you have rounded up earth's rotations in a year.
If we use your equation using two decimal places on earth's annual rotations, your equasion looks like this:-
1/366.26 which equals 0.0027300879 as a decimal.
Using your theory of rounding up the decimal conversion of the fraction you end up with it actually being 2730. Subsequently there is no correlation at all so can hardly be claimed as a 'numerical reciprocal relationship'.